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Get Free Tickets To Giwa Gardens Water Park Now!

Fully discounted entry tickets, only pay for your safety gear

Hurry! Offer Ends 1st December 2024

Get your free voucher code, then use it to get 100% off the ticket price and only pay for your safety gear. This is only valid online.

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out of 500 redeemed today

Select a visit date. Your Voucher will only be valid for use on this date.

Get Free Tickets To Giwa Gardens Water Park Now!

Fully discounted entry tickets, only pay for your safety gear

Select Ticket Class & Quantity

Which type of ticket will you need and how many?

Standard Access

adult tickets and children tickets available
Adult (12+yrs)

₦110k off!

Child (3-11yrs)

₦110k off!


You are saving the total ticket cost of:


Get Free Tickets To Giwa Gardens Water Park Now!

Fully discounted entry tickets, only pay for your safety gear

Personalise Your FREE Tickets

Let’s wrap this up nicely for you...

Please provide your full name, we check IDs at the park

We will use it to send you the voucher

Our support team primary mode of contact is via WhatsApp

Select where you’ll be coming from to help us improve travel/logistics options

We’d like to send you a gift every year. We only need the month and day

Select your generation so we can create more relevant experiences tailored to you

Get a luxury apartment close to Giwa Gardens, eliminate stress and travel time

If yes, our partner team at Shortlethomes will contact you to arrange this.